Board Of Directors

The company’s Board currently has 5 members. The Board’s tasks are regulated by Indonesian Law and include the overall administration and management of the company.

The Board is responsible for the accounts and presents proposals regarding the allocation of the result to the Annual General Meeting. The Board deals with matters of strategic and major financial importance to the company.

The Board normally holds two meetings a year. At each meeting the company’s management reviews the market situation for the company and, each quarter, presents the group’s financial situation.

The Board also receives monthly reports from the managing director which are brief updates on the company’s finances, charter/ market situations for the vessels, and any changes in the competitive situation.

The Board also ensures that the management manages risk, including HSE related to the company’s activities, in a proper manner. The Board stipulates the management team’s conditions.

Management Team

The management team consists of 10 members, whereof five are based in Pontianak, Indonesia, and the rest in Jakarta, Indonesia. The management team, headed by the president, is responsible for ensuring that the company is run in accordance with the resolutions and objectives that exist regarding the company.

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